Sunday, August 24, 2008

My daughter's best friend

My cousin's love for Suri Cruise inspired me to upload this famously adorable little girl's pic. This is my daughter's best friend, Camila. Next to Avery Audrey, this little girl is the fairest one of all.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

ok maeg, here's what i'm listening to

i hope you can get to this link. i love this girls' style and i can Totally Relate to this song. hillarious.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

7 things

1. i kissed a boy :-)
2. I believe in God
3. Sometimes I cry when i hear music i really love.
4. I turn on 80's music and dance wildly with my 3 year old daughter.
5. I don't ever eat tofu. gives me gas. screw that.
6. I'm sober and i used to be a MANIAC :-) ( I still a streak of maniac in me).
7. I used to bite my nails so bad they would bleed. I took of my fake nails for 3 weeks now and i think i'm over the problem (fingers crossed).